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Somewhere between, Atari ST/E and MEGA ST with a Steinberg Pro24 was the only DAW software. Every one used Steinberg. The passed “808 time” commenced a new surge of electronic music that have inspired countless for decads and still continues

All started in the 80th with first Midi connection and a 68k computer, listening enormous amount of fantastic great electronic music for 30years. The idea suddenly appered:

Is doable to create something own…?

Found experimenting with sounds and patchcables beeing a very relaxing hobbie. About 50songs later where most fas for fun creations. First challange was Learning Cubase… where facing constant Cubase v12 crashes.

Upgrade Cubase 13 came, this was a gamechanger. Suddenly Cubase can run unlimited times without freeze or crash. Resulted in a first release to streaming platforms

See links for discography, analog synth patches. Feel free to copy, re use and share.

Songs have some of preset and patches available to re use, see time details for specific sounds used. Feel free to modify and upload your new even better and creative results. If you have nice sounds and wish to share upload pictures for distributing joyfulness to others. Happy to receive also for other synth models

Patch Schema upload

Let Electronic music landscape continue…

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