Biography, Name and History of Core64

The Name Core64
Swedish Synth Zone, Biography of Core64. Artist loving and addicted to analog synthezisers.
The name was inherited from the legacy era of analog synthezisers. From the time where 8-bit Commodore C64 were used. All the time until present days where Core 64 cpu’s facilitate all music composition.
The History of Core64
In the 1980s, where FM synth became the standard. The role and influence of the analog synth will be preserved for many years to come. Blending elements of new wave and EDM disco creates a unique and futuristic sound with deep and darker instrumental tunes.
Always add in 808 sounds with inspiration from 1980th
Historical Continuation
There was a time when the Atari ST/E and MEGA ST with a Steinberg Pro24 was the only DAW software, everyone used Steinberg. The passed “808 time” commenced a new surge of electronic music that have inspired countless for decades and still continues.
It all started in the 1980s with the first Midi connection and a 68k computer. After listening to an enormous amount of fantastic electronic music for 30 years, The idea suddenly surfaced:
Is it possible to create something of my own…?
I find that experimenting with sounds and patch-cables is a very relaxing hobby. About 50 experimental songs later where everything was for fun, and the results were rubbiush. The first challenge was learning basic Cubase… And dealing with constant Cubase v12 crashes.
The upgrade to Cubase 13 came, and this was a gamechanger. Suddenly Cubase could run without freezing or crashing, which resulted in my first release to streaming platforms.
See links for discography, analog synth patches. Feel free to copy, re-use and share.
Some songs have some presets and patches available to re-use, see time details for specific sounds used. Feel free to modify and upload your new even better and creative results. If you have nice sounds that you wish to share, upload pictures to distribute the joyfulness to others. I am happy to receive these for other synth models as well!
Let the electronic music landscape continue…
Released Songs
- See Me Like
- Find Another One
- Distance
- Binary Bliss – (26th Jun 2024)
- From Paris to Berlin (Cover remix)
- U996 – August 1944
- Suburban Synthetics
- Circuit Euphoria
- Synthetic Odyssey
- Oscillator Madness – (Dec 20th 2024)
- Neon Velocity Dreams – (Jan 3rd 2025)
- U47 October 1939 – (Jan 17th 2025)
- The Void (EP) – (Feb 7th 2025)
- Orbit Decoder
- Falling Into The Void
- Oblivision Voice
- Void Algorithm (ext version)
Awaiting Distribution
- Aurora in Nandini’s Eyes – (Feb 22nd 2025)
- Silent Tides (14th Mars 2025)
Work In Progress
- Voltage Voyage (2025)
- Lost Your Way (2025)
- Binary Sunset (2025)
- True Voltage (2025)